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NERDIC Industry 4.0 Readiness Ecosystem Program

Created with grant funds from the U.S. Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC), the New England Regional Defense Industry Collaboration's focus is to build regional collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach to supporting the region’s defense industry supply chain

The NERDIC Industry 4.0 Readiness Ecosystem program will highlight technologies in generative design, addititive manufacturing, augmented reality, artificial intelligence / cloud computing, model-based definition (MBD) - big data and analytics, and model-based definition - on machine probing.

As a technology partner with NERDIC, the Berskhire Innovation Center can facilitate with area manufacturers to develop a proposal to apply for NERDIC funding, even if you're not currently in the defense industry supply chain.

Image by Louis Reed

Contact Tim Butterworth - - to discuss possible application opportunities for your company. 

NERDIC Workshops and Technology Demonstrations

Online Tutorial

These workshops and demonstrations support New England defense-related businesses to continually build the new skills and capabilities that are emerging as requirements for pursuing business from higher tier contractors in the defense supply chain. On-Demand workshops are available in the following topics:

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