My Story Vault: Tom Thalmann, Made for Complexity
Episode Summary:
Biotech advisor, Tom Thalmann, is a renowned Porsche driver, strategic consultant and believer in the human spirit. Join me to explore Tom’s take on life, decision-making, and approach to developing a personalized lifestyle and discerning his own next season of work.
Tom’s zig-zaggy trek to college led him to study engineering and applied math. Over 2 decades, Tom led teams in building out therapeutic centers for Fortune 100/500 biotech firms. After managing billions in building projects, he sought new challenges—earning an MBA in his 50s. Today, Tom consults non-biotech firms, focusing on efficiency and effectiveness.
Berkshire Innovation Center Accelerator Program
Tom Thalmann
More on Tom’s car, WSJ Article link:
Narrative Research Group
For more information or to share a question or insight, please email Shannon [at] narrativeresearchgroup [dot] org
Dr. Dennis Rebelo, Tom Thalmann, Ben Sonse, Nate Christy, Shannon Rebelo, PJ Moynihan & Jordan Callahan
#biotech, #careers, #innovation, #lifepath, #self-discovery, #porsche, #porscheturbo, #classicporsche, #college, #decisions, #interviews, #selfdevelopment, #leadership, #personalnarrative, #narrative, #story, #storylikeyoumeanit, #MyStoryVault, #MASSMoCA, #intheberkshires, #lead, #learn, #explore