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Innovation Lives

“Innovation Lives #InTheBerkshires” is a broad acknowledgement that technology and innovation are part of the Berkshire’s industrious past, thriving present and limitless potential. This campaign is a partnership between MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board and BIC Studios that is designed to promote key growth sectors, including: Advanced Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Aerospace & Defense, Software & Engineering, ClimateTech and Healthcare.

Innovation Lives #InTheBerkshires Podcast

BIC Studios, in partnership with MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board, is excited to announce a six-part podcast series focused on the workforce in Berkshire County. Search "Innovation Lives #InTheBerkshires" wherever you get your podcasts to listen to Episode 1: The Lay of the Land.

As stakeholders in workforce development, the BIC and MassHire intend to utilize the campaign as a building block towards reframing the Berkshires as a hub and destination for technology-driven career opportunities that provide exciting, meaningful work, in addition to the quality of life that the region is already renowned for.

Berkshire Innovation Center logo
MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board logo

If you would like more information on the dynamic career paths that are available in the Berkshires, complete our contact form below.

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